This topic covers anything that was done in medevil times, from Cooking to Armor Smithing.
Cookingo Period Spices o CHEESE! o Meat Meat & Meat o Deserts |
Calligraphy & Illuminationo Calligraphy o Illumination Awards Blanks o Drawing and Painting |
Jewleryo Viking Wire Weaving o Chain Mail o Leather o Glass Beads |
Weapon Smithingo Combat Weapons o Combat Archery Weapons o Sheige Weapons o Sheilds o Bow Making o Fletching |
Aromor Smithingo Leather Armor o Chain Mial o Plate Armor o Fencing Armor o Ironworking |
Garbo Period Patterns o Fabric o Starter Garb o embroidery o Beadwork |
Fiber Artso Luceting o Card Weaving o Spinning o Kumohito o Knitting, Crochet, Nalbinding o Knitting o Lace making o Knot work (Netting, Macramé) o Weaving – Loom and Table |
Book Bindingo Cover Making o Paper Making o Page Inserts o Binding Methods |
Music & bardic activitieso Storytelling o Singing o Performance and composition o Performing Arts (drama, juggling, tumbling,etc.) o Writing (poetry, playwriting, etc.) o Musical Instrument Making o Juggling and Tumbling |
Heraldryo Picking a Persona o Picking a Name o Picking a Time Period o Creating your Sign |
Gameso Board Games o Outdoor Games |
Othero Glasswork – Blown or Stained glass o Sculpting o Lapidary o Stone Carving & Sculpture o Tool Making o Wood Working & Construction o Metal Work o Brewing & vinting o Research Religious History Scientific Instruments Siege Engines Seamanship |
Herbalismo Alchemy o Herb Craft o Dyeing o Gardening (period flowers) | |||||